The Graduate Member Intake Program is designed for interested women who did not have the opportunity to obtain membership in Kappa Delta Chi as collegians. The program is currently available to women who are local to one of our alumnae chapters. A candidate for membership in the program is a professional woman who is a leader in her community, lives a life of service to the Latina/o population, and has expressed a commitment to lifelong learning. An interested woman must also have received a degree from a four-year accredited institution of higher education.
Upon completion of the program, members will be initiated into the Delta Alpha Chapter and receive all rights and privileges in Kappa Delta Chi.
Below are some of the key requirements of the program:
Submission of an application along with a $100 application fee.
Active engagement in a process that may last between five weeks and six months, based on the needs of the prospective member.
Regular meetings with the Graduate New Member Educator via Internet, telephone, or in person.
Formal appointments with Active Alumnae in the area of residence.
Commitment to 30 hours of service to the local community, of which 5 hours will be dedicated to a special project to be coordinated by the prospective member.
Organizing a fundraiser with other prospective members to help finance program costs. Each member must fundraise at least $50.
Adherence to our dry (i.e., no alcohol) policy while in the process.
Payment of dues amounting to $300.
Interested members can fill out the application form located here. Any questions can be directed to the Graduate Member Education Officer, at