
Since its beginning in 1987, women representing all levels of diversity have found a home in Kappa Delta Chi’s Purpose and Values: Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership. Regardless of field of study or choice of school, educated women continue to come together to create and develop a sisterhood that serves the community, with an emphasis on the Latina/o population. And through continued mentorship, networking events, and service, alumnae chapters continue to make their mark in our communities.

A prime example of our commitment to leadership can be seen at our Pi Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin. Pi sisters created and host an annual Longhorn Leaders Day Conference that brings an average of 100 underrepresented high school students to the campus to educate them on topics such as: how to pay for college, how to choose a major, and what to expect from college.

Similarly, our Alpha Gamma Chapter at California State University - Dominguez Hills, co-sponsors the Latino Retention Conference, which celebrates Latina/o culture through several educational workshops and interactive events. In Arizona, our Delta (The University of Arizona), Kappa (Northern Arizona University), and Lambda (Arizona State University) Chapters come together in Phoenix every year to feed the homeless and participate in a clothing drive. At our Alpha Sigma Chapter (Florida State University), the sisters frequently volunteer for our national philanthropy, the American Cancer Society.

In addition to the over 40,000 hours of community service our sisters engage in annually, we are a family that supports one another in each and every aspect of life, be it academic, social, family, professional--anything! As individuals, our sisters are leaders and share a bond that is difficult to explain. Together, we are unstoppable, high-achieving women, committed to a lifetime of civic service and engagement. We motivate one another to continue to excel in our respective fields and endeavors, commit to a lifetime of leadership in service, and mentor and lift one another up as we continue our own climb to success. Together, we work towards becoming the leading sorority in the United States.

Once again, we thank you for your time spent in learning more about our wonderful sisterhood. Please visit our chapter directory to see if a chapter or colony currently exists on your campus. If you may be interested in bringing KDChi to your college or university, you will find all the information you need on our expansion page. If you are a degreed professional or graduate student, please visit our page dedicated to graduate/professional intake. We hope that you will find exactly what you are looking for in KDChi: a sisterhood founded on Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership--the Four Values we hold in highest regard. We leave you with our official motto: Leading With Integrity, United Through Service.

Benefits of KDChi Membership
  • Community of academic excellence
  • Leadership development:
    • Civic/service engagement
    • Organizational and administrative skills
    • Culturally competent leadership
    • Relationships with University officials and other student organizations
  • Professional development:
    • Membership in a network of strong and diverse women
    • Connecting to internship and fellowship opportunities
    • Interview, resume, and presentation development skills
  • A family away from home
  • Membership in an organization that does not haze and has experienced no related ligitation in our 25 years of existence